The Volcanoes of Arequipa

In the second act of The Lost Expedition, Will, Case, Fader, and the rest of their party are driven to the Santa Cantalina monastery in Arequipa by their military escort, Major Diego Zapana.

On the drive, Diego points out the three volcanoes that overlook Arequipa:

Diego again rode beside a soldier who drove, following another APC through the streets. The third APC trailed them. “There,” Diego said, pointing past the driver to the northeast. “I promised I would show you.”

In the distance, a cone-shaped mountain loomed above the city, its snow-covered peak glowing in the just rising sun.

“El Misti,” Diego said, “our most beautiful mountain, an almost perfect cone.” He pointed further east to a long ridge of irregular peaks. “And that is Pichu Pichu. Very old, it has…what is the word?…eroded, collapsed from what it once was. And there…” He pointed to the left of El Misti. “…is Chachani. Actually, the Chachani range, as it has other volcanoes beside it.” He smiled back at them. “Chachani, El Misti, Pichu Pichu. Our three guardians, watching over us like Inca gods.”

Three guardians. Will straightened at that. He glanced at Case and could tell from her face she was thinking the same thing. Behind her, Fader slipped down in his seat, his eyes wide. “Pretty dangerous guardians,” Will said.

“Ah, but powerful, sí?”

“Dangerous and powerful,” Rani muttered, catching Will’s eye. “Wonderful.”

You can see these three volcanoes in the distance in my photo here. They are, from left to right: Chacani, El Misti, and Pichu Pichu.