My SFContario schedule
I'm be appearing at the inaugural edition of the brand spanking new SFContario, Toronto's newest annual genre convention, being held in downtown Toronto, Nov 19-21. Here's my schedule of panel appearances, signings, and readings, including a special screening of the indie film based on "By Her Hand, She Draws You Down."
Friday 9 PM – Aurora Pin Ceremony (Ballroom BC) A ceremony to present the new Aurora pins (which are quite spiffy) to all past winners and nominees who are attending SFContario.
Friday 9-11pm – ChiZine Publications Fall 2010 Launch Party(Courtyard Room) Join CZP, the most excellent publishers of my collection CHIMERASCOPE, for their fall launch of new titles. Readings, food, drinks, freebies, and the opportunity to meet many of the CZP authors and buy their books.
Saturday 11 AM – "By Her Hand, She Draws You Down" movie (Ballroom A) I'll be screening the award-winning 30-minute film based on my story of the same name. After, I'll discuss the changes that were required to go from the print medium to film, and will read some illustrative excerpts from the story. And I'll be giving out some FREE copies of the special edition movie book and chap book copies of the story.
Saturday 2 PM – Panel: But why can’t you see my genius? (Ballroom A) Let’s face it, nobody likes rejection, but every writer is going to get rejection letters at some point. Why the rejection? Why don’t they love me? Your work may be wrong for the publisher, arrived on a bad day, or just the 350th angsty vampire story the poor sorry slush pile reader has seen that week. How can you turn a rejection into a “hell yes!” (Erik Buchanan(M), Al Katerinsky, Ira Nayman, Douglas Smith, Caitlin Sweet)
Saturday 4 PM – Autograph session (Essex Hallway) I think that this is a group / mass signing session. I'll be there signing copies of my collections, CHIMERASCOPE and IMPOSSIBILIA, along with the special edition BY HER HAND movie book.
Sunday 10 AM – Panel: What do you mean my stake won’t work? (Courtyard) Drive a stake into the vampire's heart and it is dead right? In traditional vampire lore that stake better be made of Oak, Ash of Thorn wood or you just made it mad! How incorporating facts from actual mythology can add conflict and challenge to paranormal fiction. (Stephanie Bedwell-Grime, Karen Dales(M), Douglas Smith, Stephen B Pearl)
Sunday 1:30 PM – Reading by Douglas Smith (Gardenview) I'm not sure yet what I'll be reading but I'll have some FREE giveaways.